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Version: 25.2.0

System requirements

This section includes detailed system requirements to ensure a seamless deployment and optimal performance of Portworx CSI in your Kubernetes environment. Portworx CSI requires a minimum of three nodes cluster. All node must meet the following specifications:

Hardware requirements

RAM2 GB minimum
Disk Space
  • /var: 20 GB free
  • /opt: 3 GB free
Operating System Root Partition
  • Minimum: 64 GB
  • Recommended: 128 GB
Network ConnectivityBandwidth:
  • Recommended: 10 Gbps
  • Minimum: 1 Gbps
Node TypeBare metal or virtual machine (VM)

Purity version requirements

Ensure that the Pure Storage FlashArray and FlashBlade are running the required Purity version:

Installation typeMinimum Purity version required
Installations without secure multi-tenancy5.3.0
Installations with secure multi-tenancy6.6.11

Software requirements


PX-CSI supports Secure Boot-enabled environments and does not require additional configuration.

  • Verify that the latest versions of the following packages are installed on all nodes, including the master node:
    • Multipath software package with these fixes. Note: For NVMe-oF/TCP protocol, you need multipath version 0.9.4 or later.
    • Latest filesystem utilities/drivers
    • kpartx
    • libStorageMgmt
    • device-mapper-multipath
    • libstoragemgmt-udev
    • iscsi-initiator-utils
Red Hat SystemsEnsure that the second action, CAPACITY_DATA_HAS_CHANGED, is uncommented in the 90-scsi-ua.rules file, and restart the udev service.
CSI Snapshot FeatureInstall the Snapshot controller and deploy the CRDs available here in your Kubernetes cluster.
FC Protocol (Optional)If you are using the FC protocol, ensure that the latest FC initiator software is installed.
NVMe CLI (Optional)If you are using the NVMe protocol, ensure that the NVMe CLI version 1.16 is installed.

Network requirements

Ensure that all cluster nodes are synchronized with Network Time Protocol (NTP). Time skew between nodes might cause unexpected behavior or service disruptions.

Network Configuration requirements

  • Ensure the FlashArray management IP address is accessible by all nodes.
  • Verify that your cluster has an operational FlashArray with an existing dataplane connectivity layout.
  • Use one of the following storage networking protocols supported by Portworx CSI:
    • iSCSI: For block storage over IP networks.
    • NVMe over RoCE and TCP: For high-performance and low-latency storage access.
    • Fibre Channel (FC): For robust, dedicated storage area networks.
  • If using iSCSI:
    • Ensure that the storage node iSCSI initiators are on the same VLAN as the FlashArray iSCSI target ports.
    • If using multiple network interface cards (NICs) to connect to an iSCSI host, ensure all NICs are accessible from the FlashArray management IP address.
  • If using Fibre Channel, ensure that the storage node Fibre Channel WWNs is correctly zoned to the FlashArray Fibre Channel WWN ports.

Port configuration requirements

Ensure that your network settings are configured correctly to facilitate seamless communication and effective telemetry monitoring.

  • Communication: Required for pod-to-pod interaction and external connections.
  • Telemetry: Ensures proper monitoring and analytics.
900117001Portworx management port [REST]
900217002Portworx node-to-node port [gossip]/UDP
900317003Portworx storage data port
900417004Portworx namespace [RPC]
901217009Portworx node-to-node communication port [gRPC]
901317010Portworx namespace driver [gRPC]
901417011Portworx diags server port [gRPC]
901817015Portworx kvdb peer-to-peer port [gRPC]
901917016Portworx kvdb client service [gRPC]
902117018Portworx gRPC SDK gateway [REST]
902217019Portworx health monitor [REST]
902917021Telemetry log uploader
1200220002Telemetry phone home

Supported Platform Versions

Portworx CSI supports the following Kubernetes platforms and versions:

PlatformSupported Versions
On-premises Kubernetes1.30, 1.31
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP)4.15, 4.16, 4.17
Google Anthos1.30.0-gke.1930, v1.31.3-gke.100
Rancher (RKE2)v1.28.14+rke2r1, v1.28.15+rke2r1