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Version: 25.03.01

Invite members

Inviting members to a project depends on your role:

  • Access Manager page: Visible for the Account administrator and the Organization administrator. Here, you can invite users, assign and manage roles.
  • Projects page: Accessible to both Project administrators and Project users. They can manage members within their assigned projects. The Access Manager page is not available for these roles.

Manage member invitations as an Account administrator

The following sections explain how to invite members to an organization in the PDS platform, re-invite, and delete member invitations as an Account administrator.

Invite a member

To invite new members to your organization and grant them access to the PDS platform and its services:


Only account administrators can invite users of any role, including account admin, organization admin, project admin, and project users. Other roles do not have this capability.

  1. In the PDS platform's left pane, under the Administration dropdown, select Access.
  2. In the Access Manager page that appears, select the Invite Users button at the top right corner.
  3. In the Add Members window:
    • Email address: Enter the email address of the member you wish to invite.
    • Role: From this dropdown, select the role to assign to the member. The available roles are Project Admin, Project User, and Account Admin, and Organization Admin.
      For more information about the roles and corresponding access permissions, refer to the RBAC section.
    • Projects: Select the project(s) the member will be associated with.

    If you select the Organization Admin role, the Projects dropdown will be disabled because this role applies to all projects in an organization.

  4. Select the Add button to add each member to the list. Repeat the process of entering an email address, selecting a role, and choosing projects for each member.
  5. Once all members are added and details are complete, select the Add members button to invite all the members at once.

The added member(s) will automatically receive an email notification informing them about their updated account role or permissions.


When inviting a member to the PDS platform, the process varies depending on whether the invited member already has an account in Portworx Central:

  • Existing account in Portworx Central: If the invited member already has an account in Portworx Central, an invitation is not required. The member will be automatically added to the Members tab, and they will receive an email notifying them that their role has been updated.
  • No account in Portworx Central: If the invited member does not have an account in Portworx Central, the invitation will appear in the Invitations tab. Additionally, an email will be sent to the member requesting them to create an account in Portworx Central. Upon creating an account and logging in, the member will be automatically added to the Members tab.

Re-invite a member

To re-invite a member to the PDS platform:

  1. In the Access Manager page, select the Invitations tab. to You can view a list of members who have already been invited, along with the date of each invitation.

  2. Find the member you wish to re-invite again, and select the Re-Invite button next to the member's name.

    A message saying "User re-invited successfully" will appear, indicating that the re-invitation process is complete. The member will receive a new email invitation to join the PDS platform.

Delete a member invitation

Deleting a member invitation is critical when an invite is no longer required or if it was sent in error. This process ensures that only relevant and intended members have access to your system, enhancing your organizational security and operational efficiency.

The following procedure outlines how to delete an invitation for a member:

  1. In the Invitations tab -> from the list of all pending invitations, find the email address of the invitee whose invitation needs to be deleted.

  2. Next to the invitation entry, click on the vertical ellipsis menu icon and select the Delete Invitations option.

    A confirmation dialog box will appear asking if you are sure about removing the member from the organization. Review the details to ensure you are removing the correct invitation.

  3. Select the Remove button to permanently delete the invitation.

After deleting the invitation, the system might refresh the invitations list automatically. Verify that the email address is no longer listed under pending invitations to ensure the action was successful.

Manage member invitations as an Organization administrator

This procedure explains how to invite members and assign them roles when logged into the PDS platform as an organization administrator.


Organization administrators can invite users to roles such as organization admin, project admin, and project users, but only within the organization they are currently logged into or using.

Invite a member

To invite new members in your organization to access the PDS platform and its services:

  1. In the PDS platform's left pane, under the Administration dropdown, select Access.
  2. Select the Invite Users button at the top right corner.
  3. In the Add Members window:
    • Email address: Enter the email address of the member you wish to invite.
    • Role: From this dropdown, select the role to assign to the member. The available roles are Project Admin, Project User, and Organization Admin.
      For more information about the roles and corresponding access permissions, refer to the RBAC section.
    • Projects: Select the project(s) the member will be associated with.

    If the role is Project Admin or Project User, select the relevant project(s) from the Projects dropdown. If you select the Organization Admin role, the Projects dropdown will be disabled because this role applies to all projects in an organization.

  4. Select the Add button to add each member to the list. Repeat the process of entering an email address, selecting a role, and choosing projects for each member.
  5. Once all members are added and details are complete, select the Add members button to invite all the members at once.

The added member(s) will automatically receive an email notification informing them about their updated account role or permissions.


When inviting a member to the PDS platform, the process varies depending on whether the invited member already has an account in Portworx Central:

  • Existing account in Portworx Central: If the invited member already has an account in Portworx Central, an invitation is not required. The member will be automatically added to the Members tab, and they will receive an email notifying them that their role has been updated.
  • No account in Portworx Central: If the invited member does not have an account in Portworx Central, the invitation will appear in the Invitations tab. Additionally, an email will be sent to the member requesting them to create an account in Portworx Central. Upon creating an account and logging in, the member will be automatically added to the Members tab.

Modify member roles and/or projects

This procedure explains how to modify an existing member's role or the projects assigned to them on the PDS platform.

  1. On the Access Manager page, ensure you are on the Members tab.
  2. Locate the member whose role or projects you want to modify.
  3. Click the vertical ellipsis menu next on the member’s row, and select Modify from the menu.
  4. In the Modify Roles/Projects dialog box that appears:
    • Email Address: This field will be pre-filled and cannot be edited.
    • Role: Use the dropdown to select a new role for the member, if needed.
    • Projects: If the role is Project Admin or Project User, you must select the relevant project(s) from the Projects dropdown. If no project is selected, a validation error (“Please select a project”) will be displayed.
  5. Once you have made the necessary changes, click Grant Access to save the modifications.

After the modifications are applied, the updated role and project assignments will be reflected in the Members tab. Any changes made will take immediate effect, and the member will receive an email notification about their updated role or permissions.

Revoke access for a member

This procedure explains how to revoke access for an existing member on the PDS platform.

  1. On the Access Manager page, ensure you are on the Members tab.
  2. Expand the member (by selecting the dropdown) whose access you want to revoke.
  3. In the ROLE section, click the vertical ellipsis menu, and select Revoke Access from the menu.
  4. In the Confirm dialog box that appears, select the Revoke Access button.

The member will no longer appear in the Members tab once their access has been successfully revoked. Once access is revoked, the member will lose all permissions and roles assigned to them on the platform. Ensure you double-check before confirming the revocation to avoid accidental removal.

Delete a member invitation

Deleting a member invitation is critical when an invite is no longer required or if it was sent in error. This process ensures that only relevant and intended members have access to your system, enhancing your organizational security and operational efficiency.

The following procedure outlines how to delete an invitation for a member:

  1. In the Invitations tab -> from the list of all pending invitations, find the email address of the invitee whose invitation needs to be deleted.

  2. Next to the invitation entry, click on the vertical ellipsis menu icon and select the Delete Invitations option.

    A confirmation dialog box will appear asking if you are sure about removing the member from the organization. Review the details to ensure you are removing the correct invitation.

  3. Select the Remove button to permanently delete the invitation.

After deleting the invitation, the system might refresh the invitations list automatically. Verify that the email address is no longer listed under pending invitations to ensure the action was successful.

Manage member invitations as a Project administrator

The following sections explain how to invite members to an organization in the PDS platform, re-invite, and delete member invitations as a Project administrator.

Invite a member


As a Project administrator, you can invite members only to the projects you are a part of.

To invite new members to a project in the PDS platform:

  1. In the PDS platform's left pane, select Project.
  2. On the Projects page, click on the project to which you want to invite members.
  3. In the Details page left pane, click on Access.
  4. On the Access page, select the Invite Users button.
  5. In the Add Members window:
    • Email address: Enter the email address of the member you wish to invite.
    • Role: From this dropdown, select the role to assign to the member. The available roles are project-admin and project-user.
      For more information about the roles and corresponding access permissions, refer to the RBAC section.
  6. Select the Add button to add each member to the list. Repeat the process of entering an email address, selecting a role, and choosing projects for each member.
  7. Once all members are added and details are complete, select the Add members button to invite all the members at once.

Re-invite a member

To re-invite a member to a project the PDS platform:

  1. In the Projects page, click on the project that you want to view the sent invitations.

  2. In the Details page left pane, click on Access.

  3. On the Access page, select the Invitations tab. You can view a list of members who have already been invited, along with the date of each invitation.

  4. Find the member you wish to re-invite again, and select the Re-Invite button next to the member's name.

    A message saying "User re-invited successfully" will appear, indicating that the re-invitation process is complete. The member will receive a new email invitation to join the PDS platform.

Delete a member invitation

Deleting a member invitation is critical when an invite is no longer required or if it was sent in error. This process ensures that only relevant and intended members have access to your system, enhancing your organizational security and operational efficiency.

The following procedure outlines how to delete an invitation for a member in a project:

  1. In the Projects page, click on the project that you want to view the sent invitations.

  2. In the Details page left pane, click on Access.

  3. On the Access page, select the Invitations tab. You can view a list of members who have already been invited, along with the date of each invitation.

  4. Next to the invitation entry, click on the vertical ellipsis menu icon and select the Delete Invitations option.

    A confirmation dialog box will appear asking if you are sure about removing the member from the organization. Review the details to ensure you are removing the correct invitation.

  5. Select the Remove button to permanently delete the invitation.

After deleting the invitation, the system might refresh the invitations list automatically. Verify that the email address is no longer listed under pending invitations to ensure the action was successful.