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Version: 25.03.01


Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system known for its performance and security. Monitoring its metrics is crucial to ensure performance, stability, and reliability. The following is a list of essential SQL Server metrics in PDS. Understanding these metrics will help administrators optimize performance, troubleshoot issues, and ensure the SQL Server runs smoothly.


For Microsoft SQL Server deployment, the data service metrics are accessible on port 9399.

Access metrics

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to access Microsoft SQL Server metrics for PDS deployments:

  1. Identify the Microsoft SQL Server pod running in your namespace:

    kubectl get pods -n <your-namespace>

    Look for the pod name that corresponds to your Microsoft SQL Server instance or its sidecar exporter.

  2. Port-forward from your local machine’s port 9399 to the pod’s port 9399:

    kubectl port-forward -n <your-namespace> <mssql-pod-name> 9399:9399
  3. Open a browser or use curl to go to http://localhost:9399/metrics.

    You should see a text-based Prometheus metrics output specific to Microsoft SQL Server.

  4. Check for the service exposing the Microsoft SQL Server exporter. for example, <release-name>-mssql-exporter:

    kubectl get svc -n <your-namespace>
  5. Access the metrics:

    • If NodePort, note <nodeport>:

    • If LoadBalancer, note <loadbalancer-ip>:

  6. Verify metrics:

    • Using curl:

      curl http://<host>:9399/metrics

      Replace <host> with either localhost (if using port-forward), <node-ip> (NodePort), or <loadbalancer-ip> (LoadBalancer).

    • Prometheus UI:

      In Prometheus, navigate to the Expression browser and search for metrics beginning with mssql_ or similar Microsoft SQL Server-related prefixes to confirm they are being scraped.

    • Grafana or other dashboards:

      If you have Grafana connected to Prometheus, open your dashboard. Check that Microsoft SQL Server metrics (those starting with mssql_) are being ingested and displayed.

  • Ensure that any NetworkPolicies or firewall rules allow inbound traffic on port 9399 if you plan to expose it externally.
  • Metrics naming conventions can vary depending on the Microsoft SQL Server exporter version. Generally, look for prefixes like mssql_.

Microsoft SQL Server metrics

mssql_batch_requestsNumber of command batches received.
mssql_buffer_cache_hit_ratioRatio of requests that hit the buffer cache
mssql_checkpoint_pages_secCheckpoint Pages Per Second
mssql_connectionsNumber of active connections.
mssql_deadlocksNumber of lock requests that resulted in a deadlock.
mssql_io_stall_secondsStall time in seconds per database and I/O operation.
mssql_io_stall_total_secondsTotal stall time in seconds per database.
mssql_kill_connection_errorsNumber of severe errors that caused SQL Server to kill the connection.
mssql_local_time_secondsLocal time in seconds since epoch (Unix time).
mssql_log_growthsNumber of times the transaction log has been expanded, per database.
mssql_memory_utilization_percentageThe percentage of committed memory that is in the working set.
mssql_os_memoryOS physical memory, used and available.
mssql_os_page_fileOS page file, used and available.
mssql_page_fault_countThe number of page faults that were incurred by the SQL Server process.
mssql_page_life_expectancy_secondsThe minimum number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool on this node without references.
mssql_resident_memory_bytesSQL Server resident memory size (AKA working set).
mssql_user_errorsNumber of user errors.
mssql_virtual_memory_bytesSQL Server committed virtual memory size.