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Version: 25.03.01

Update Kubernetes secret after changing the `pds` password

If you change the password for the pds user, you need to also update the corresponding Kubernetes secret for the deployment. To base64 encode a string and update the Kubernetes secret:

  1. Get the Kubernetes secret for the couchbase data service:

    kubectl get secrets -n <namespace-where-the-Couchbase-data-service-is-deployed>
  2. Encode your new administrator password into base64:

    echo <the-updated-password1> | base64
  3. Update the Kubernetes secret with the new base64 encoded adminsitrator password:

    kubectl get secret cb-rke-qichff-creds -n cb -o json | jq '.data["password"]="UGFzc3dvcmQxCg=="' | kubectl apply -f -secret/cb-rke-qichff-creds configured