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Version: 3.1

Role-based access control in GCP Anthos

Summary and Key concepts

Summary This article introduces the security features of Portworx, focusing on Role-based Access Control (RBAC) and volume encryption. Portworx RBAC manages access control across the cluster, defining authentication, authorization, and ownership. It also supports cluster-wide encryption and more granular namespace or storage-class level encryption for Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs). The article includes references to more detailed guides on creating encrypted PVCs for platforms where Portworx is deployed.

Kubernetes Concepts

Portworx Concepts

PX-Security is an important set of features of the Portworx platform that provide:

  • Role-based access control (RBAC) for authorization, authentication, and ownership
  • Cluster-wide volume encryption
  • Namespace-granular or Storage-class BYOK volume encryption

This section describes the role-based access control (RBAC) model used by Portworx. For details on volume encryption, see create encrypted PVCs.