Portworx with CSI in AWS EKS
Summary and Key concepts
CSI, or Container Storage Interface, is a model for integrating storage system service with Kubernetes and other orchestration systems. Kubernetes has supported CSI since 1.10 as beta.
With CSI, Kubernetes gives storage drivers the opportunity to release on their schedule. This allows storage vendors to upgrade, update, and enhance their drivers without the need to update Kubernetes, maintaining a consistent, dependable, orchestration system.
Using Portworx with CSI, you can perform the following operations:
- Create and use CSI-enabled persistent volumes
- Secure your CSI-enabled volumes with token authorization and encryption defined at the StorageClass or the PVC level
- Take snapshots of CSI-enabled volumes
- Create sharedv4 CSI-enabled volumes
📄️ Features and Installation Options
Find out more about the Portworx CSI Driver and discover documentation for the different container schedulers we support
📄️ CSI Enabled Storage Classes by Portworx
This explains at a high level what the Portworx CSI Driver as compared to the Portworx in-tree plugin
📄️ Enable CSI
This explains at a high level what the Portworx CSI Driver as compared to the Portworx in-tree plugin
📄️ Volume Lifecycle Basics
This explains at a high level what the Portworx CSI Driver as compared to the Portworx in-tree plugin
📄️ Data Protection and Snapshots
This explains how you can protect your data against failures with Stork or CSI Snapshotting
📄️ Secure your volumes
This page explains how you can start securing your volume with PX-Security
📄️ Use Ephemeral volumes
This explains how to use ephemeral volumes with the Portworx CSI Driver
📄️ Raw Block Devices
This explains how to use raw block devices with the Portworx CSI Driver.