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Version: 25.03.01

Manage member roles

This section includes procedures to manage existing member roles within an organization, such as:

  • modify an existing member's role(s)
  • revoke a member from the organization completely

Only the following members in the PDS platform have permissions to modify member roles:

  • Account Admin: Has permissions to modify any member role within the organization.
  • Project Admin: Has permissions to modify roles of members only within their assigned projects.
    For more information about the roles and corresponding access permissions, refer to the RBAC section.

Modify a member role

Modifying an existing member's role to assign additional services or roles is useful when a member's responsibilities expand or when access to new services is required:

  1. Under the Access Manager page -> Members tab, find the member whose role you want to modify, and click on the vertical ellipsis menu icon.
  2. Select Modify from the options.
  3. In the Modify Roles / Projects window:
    • Role dropdown menu: Select the additional, predefined role that the member should have access to.
    • (Optional) Projects: In addition to the already assigned project, select one or more additional project(s) that you want to provide access to the member.
  4. Select the Grant Access button to confirm the changes.

Make sure to review the changes for accuracy before saving, as improper access rights can lead to security issues.

Remove a member

You should remove a member from the organization completely when a member no longer needs access to any services, typically due to termination of employment or a change in roles outside the organization:

  1. Under the Members tab, find the member who needs to be removed from the organization in the list, and click on the vertical ellipsis menu icon.
  2. Select Leave Org from the options.
  3. In the Confirm window, select the Leave Org* button to confirm the removal of a member from the organization.

Removing a member is a significant action that cannot be reversed. Ensure that all necessary data and permissions are securely handled or transferred before completion.

Revoke access to a specific member project

In the PDS platform, you have the ability to manage one or more projects assigned to each member within your organization. This includes the capability to revoke access to a specific project assigned to a member without completely removing the member from the organization. This flexibility allows for precise control over member permissions as needed to fit the evolving requirements of your projects. Below is a step-by-step procedure to revoke access to a specific project assigned to a member:

  1. Under the Members tab, locate the member whose role you want to adjust.

  2. Click on the member's entry to expand and view detailed information about their roles.

  3. Find the specific role you want to revoke. This will be listed under the ROLE column.

  4. Click on the vertical ellipsis menu icon next to the role you want to revoke, and select the Revoke Access option.

    A confirmation prompt appears to ensure you want to revoke the selected project.

  5. Select the Revoke Access button.

The project should now be revoked from the member. Verify that the project is no longer listed under the member's details.