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Version: 25.03.01

Delete organization

Deleting an organization in PDS allows you to remove unnecessary or outdated organizations, ensuring your platform remains streamlined and manageable.

  • By default, every account in PDS includes a pre-created organization called px-system-tenant. This organization serves as the primary organization and cannot be deleted.
  • Only the Account Admin can delete organizations.

Follow the steps below to delete an organization:

  1. Navigate to the Organization manager page in the PDS interface.

  2. In the All organizations section, find the organization you want to delete.

  3. Click the vertical ellipsis next to the organization you wish to delete, and select Delete from the menu.

    The Delete Organization confirmation window appears listing the associated resources to be deleted, such as the number of Projects within the organization. This step ensures users understand the implications of the delete action before proceeding.

  4. Review the organization details to ensure you are deleting the correct organization.

  5. Click Delete in the window to proceed.

    The organization will no longer appear in the All organizations section.


    Depending on the amount of resources within the organization, it may take some time for all resources to be deleted and for the changes to be fully reflected in the interface. Ensure the desired organization has been successfully removed.