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Version: 25.03.01

Edit organization

Editing an organization in PDS allows you to update its details, such as the description, to ensure that information remains accurate and relevant for your team’s operations.


Modifying organizations is restricted to Account Admin and Organization Admin only.

Follow these steps to edit an organization in PDS:

  1. Navigate to the Organization manager page in the PDS interface.

  2. Locate the All organizations section, and find the organization you want to edit.

  3. Click the vertical ellipsis menu next to the organization, and select Edit from the menu.

    The Edit Organization page will open, showing the organization's current details.

  4. Modify the Description field to update the description of the organization.


    The organization name is permanent and cannot be changed.

  5. Review the changes in the Organization Summary panel on the right.

  6. Once you’ve made the necessary changes, click the Update organization button to save the updates.

    If you decide not to proceed with the changes, click Cancel to exit without saving.